Monday, April 9, 2012

The biggest blessing of all. :)

GoodNESS it has been forever since I’ve posted anything at all to this blog! Quite frankly, I’ve been way too busy and while I’ve had lots going on for quite some time, I just haven’t really had anything that I really wanted to babble on about in my blog....BUT things change don’t they? :)

I am excited to the moon and back and yes, I think fully entitled to take a moment to blab our blessing from  above - Cameron and I are going to be parents for the first time! :) We aren’t rushing into picking out names, painting any nursery walls, worrying about lamaze classes, buying strollers, baby furniture or any of that just yet. We have months ahead of us for those things. For now, we are just enjoying this very tiny (4 oz to be exact as of our ultrasound today!) miracle that God has placed in our lives. 

God never ceases to completely amaze me at His timing - how perfect it is. Life happens and develops just as He plans for it to, and I am just tickled pink at the road He has put Cameron and I on together. 

Can’t wait to meet our little Cowboy (or Cowgirl - we are seriously considering not finding out the sex...yeah right, let’s see how long I can stick with that decision...ha!) in early October! It’s amazing how quickly our baby has changed from a little round blob to an actual baby over the last 8 weeks or so since our first ultrasound. Our ultrasound pic from today absolutely took my breath away - to see our little one moving around and waving his/her hands around, and well actually looking like a baby - head, fingers, toes, tummy and everything...well, it’s nothing short of a miracle. 

In Him,
Brooke Lindsey