But what if you always knew what to expect and really could plan your own life out to the tee? How boring would that be if you knew what to expect everyday? If you knew how every friendship or every relationship would turn out? It is easy to be pissed about the constant ups and downs when you are in a slight or even not-so-slight downturn if you will...and even easier to be giddy and thankful for the turbulence when you are on the roller coaster ride on the way up ...the key is finding joy and blessings in both scenarios.
Realize what it is you are supposed to be learning about yourself and those around you during periods of difficulty and frustration. God doesn't "close a door and open a window" for us as the popular old saying goes...I would argue that it is absolutely the other way around. He closes windows (cause who can comfortably crawl through a window to begin with?) and opens up doors for us that bring much larger, greater possibilities and opportunities than we could ever have planned for or imagined on our own. Look for your door, open it and walk right through it! Its much easier than crawling through a darn window. :)
And when you are reaping the joys of being "on top of the world" don't be selfish with your happiness - share your prosperity, your love, your time, your knowledge, your friendship, whatever...with those who may not be as fortunate as you at that moment in their lives.
This life is a wonderful gift and we only get one shot at it, so choose to be your best you at all times. You are a great idea because you were God's idea to begin with. And your time here is not meant to be squandered on self-pity, worry, stress, anger, jealousy, mistrust...let it go and laugh!
Click the title link above - not only is it a great laugh, but is an even better reminder that laughter is always present, even when we fall down. Quite literally in my friend's case. HA!
In Him,
Too funny not to share as well - my dad's other famous phrase that he has loved to share with my girlfriends and me over the years...
"Boys are like socks; change 'em often."