Click the title of this post - the hyperlink will take you to a 10 minute video that spoke quite loudly to me today.
Its not a matter of if it will rain in our lives, but when. You always know it will rain eventually, you're just never prepared for it when it happens. That isn't a pessimistic outlook - it is realistic. Humans fail us, even the ones we may give our whole heart to & believe would never intentionally hurt us. But everything that happens is meant to be - everything is meant to teach us something, to bring us closer to Him. In hindsight, it was not God telling me I was destined to be with this person, it was the other person telling me, convincing me, and convincing himself, that this was God's plan for us. When we as humans plan - God laughs. Only He knows what is in store for us today, tomorrow and for the rest of our lives. I knew that before this storm, I have been abruptly reminded of it now and will do my very best to not forget that in the future.